Air-Conditioning Maintenance and repair

Maintenance & Repair 2 116697 Fault find an air-conditioning, refrigeration or ventilation plant stoppage or failure 5
Maintenance & Repair 2 116712 JDismantle and assemble air conditioning and refrigeration equipment 6
Maintenance & Repair 2 116234 Identify and apply fixing methods for piping, ducting and equipment used in the trade of air-conditioning, refrigeration and ventilation 6
Maintenance & Repair 2 116238 Clean air-conditioning, refrigeration and ventilation plants, components and work sites 4
Maintenance & Repair 2 116710 List the commonly applied air-conditioning systems, state their application and explain their operation 8
Basic Refrigeration Course 2 261819 Apply an understanding of various systems, system components, the actual and the theoretical refrigeration cycle 7