Learnership NQF Level 2

National Certificate: Air-conditioning, Refrigeration and Ventilation

SAQA QUAL ID: 65449 


  • ABET BAND: Undefined

Originator Provider

  • PRE-2009 NQF LEVEL: Level 2
  • NQF LEVEL: NQF Level 02
  • QUAL CLASS: Regular-Unit Stds Based 

Purpose and Rationale of the Qualification


This qualification enables a competent learner at NQF Level 2, under supervision, to demonstrate a basic ability to install, service, repair and operate mechanical equipment that is used in the air conditioning, refrigeration and ventilation industry.

The technical skills required for this purpose are scarce and there is a growing demand for technicians skilled in the mechanical, electrical and thermal sciences. These qualifications are ideally suited to school- leavers (male and female) who have an interest in the engineering sciences and have practical skills. This series of qualifications also equips the learner with entrepreneurial skills which would lead to self employment in the SMME field (Most businesses in the field of air conditioning, refrigeration, and ventilation are in fact SMME`s).

This qualification specifically suits learners who have an interest in science and mathematics as well as manual dexterity (ability to use tools) and a consciousness of personal and environmental safety.

Learners credited with this Qualification will be able to:

  • Identify and handle refrigerants.
  • Identify and use basic tools.
  • Identify and work with component parts for air-conditioning, refrigeration and ventilation equipment.
  • Understandthebasicoperationofair-conditioning,refrigerationandventilationsystems.
  • Work safely and responsibly in the plant environment.

This is the first qualification in a series of qualifications which will lead to a learner acquiring all the skills required to work in the industry in the repair, maintenance, installation, manufacture and ultimately design of the mechanical/electrical systems which provide temperature control for environmental or process needs. By qualifying at this level, a learner will achieve the status of an Assistant Mechanic. The broader framework of qualifications (2008) is demonstrated by the following hierarchy of qualifications:

  • Assistant Mechanic-Level 2 (Technical competence – Has a basic understanding of equipment and is able to carry out technical work under supervision).
  • Mechanic – Level3,- (Technical competence-Has a knowledge of equipment and systems and is able to carry out technical work without supervision).
  • Artisan-Level 4, – (Technical competence – Has an advanced knowledge of systems and equipment and is able to work without supervision and to supervise a team).

Learning Assumed to be in Place and Recognition of Prior Learning

This qualification assumes that the candidate has already achieved a General Education and Training Certificate at NQF Level 1 or ABET Level 4 or Grade 9 school level.

  • Fundamental component: 36 credits.
  • Core component: 75 credits.
  • Elective component: 25 credits.
Core 116236 Define and explain the principles of thermodynamics and carry
out basic calculations involving heat
Level 2 5
Core 116223 Demonstrate knowledge of the OHS Act as it applies to
employees in the air-conditioning, refrigeration and ventilation
Level 2 3
Core 116232 Demonstrate understanding of fundamentals of electricity and
its application in air conditioning, refrigeration and ventilation
Level 2 4
Core 262177 Explain the basic vapour compression cycle, the components,
the handing and storage of refrigerants
Level 2 8
Core 116355 Handle refrigerant containers and transfer refrigerants into
service cylinders
Level 2 3
Core 116230 Identify materials, piping, fitting, jointing methods and
insulation materials used for air-conditioning and refrigeration
Level 2 4
Core 116334 Identify refrigerant containers, explain handling procedures
and discuss the use of refrigerants
Level 2 3
Core 116239 Identify, use and maintain hand tools and measuring
instruments used in the air-conditioning, refrigeration and
ventilation trades
Level 2 12
Core 116335 Identify, use and maintain refrigeration trade specific tools and
Level 2 8
Core 116229 Join and install refrigerant piping Level 2 9
Core 116241 Work Safely and use safety equipment when carrying out
mechanical or electrical work on air conditioning, refrigeration
and ventilation installations
Level 2 7
Core 116700 Maintain safety in the handling group 1 and 2 refrigerants Level 3 9
Fundamental 119463 Access and use information from texts Level 2 5
Fundamental 7480 Demonstrate understanding of rational and irrational numbers
and number systems
Level 2 3
Fundamental 9008 Identify, describe, compare, classify, explore shape and motion
in 2-and 3-dimensional shapes in different contexts
Level 2 3
Fundamental 12444 Measure, estimate and calculate physical quantities and
explore, describe and represent geometrical relationships in 2-
dimensions in different life or workplace contexts
Level 2 3
Fundamental 119455 Respond to selected literary texts Level 2 5
Fundamental 119460 Use language and communication in occupational learning
Level 2 5
Fundamental 7469 Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial
aspects of personal and community life
Level 2 2
Fundamental 9007 Work with a range of patterns and functions and solve
Level 2 5
Fundamental 119456 Write/present for a defined context Level 2 5
Elective 13202 Apply study and learning techniques Level 2 3
Elective 116246 Behave in the proper manner under working conditions Level 2 4
Elective 116238 Clean air-conditioning, refrigeration and ventilation plants,
components and work sites
Level 2 4
Elective 116234 Identify and apply fixing methods for piping, ducting and
equipment used in the trade of air-conditioning, refrigeration
and ventilation
Level 2 6
Elective 116233 Identify and state application of belt drives, couplings,
gearboxes and bearings used on air-conditioning, refrigeration
and ventilation plants and recognize misaligned, mismatched
and worn components
Level 2 6
Elective 116243 Install, connect and maintain electrical cables and conductors
as applied in air conditioning, refrigeration and ventilation
Level 2 6
Elective 116245 Perform basic arc welding of metals as applicable to airconditioning,
refrigeration and ventilation installations
Level 2 4
Elective 116244 Sketch and construct electrical circuits applicable to singlephase
air conditioning, refrigeration and ventilation
Level 2 9

Qualification Cost

  • Fundamental component: 36 credits = R10800.00
  • Core component: 75 credits = R22500.00
  • Elective component: 25 credits = R7500.00

Total: 136 credits = R40800.00 Excl. Vat

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